As one of the four core VCTL teams, the Field Specialists created professional development resources on how to design curricula content, pedagogical approaches, and methods of evaluating student learning to transform current ways of teaching and learning. Producing cutting-edge, easily understood demonstration videos of model VBCRTP practices was a major focus of their work.
Assigning Students in Groups by Counting Off
Learning Management System & Blackboard Ultra
Getting Student's Attention and Turn Taking
Managing and Reacting to Student's Turns
Monitoring Discussions Groups with DeafBlind Student
Opening Class, Welcome, Pulse Check and Agenda
Showing Chronology Timeline with Walking
Signing One-Handed with Props
Signing Step-by-Step Procedure with Props and Projector
Solicit Student Responses
Group Discussion: Setting Up Ground Rules
Using Math Whiteboard with Colors
Describing Pictures using Depiction and Classifiers
Using Projection Camera for Art Demonstrations